Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions established by Arnaud International Consulting Pty Ltd (T / S Boomerang Australia Studies and Tour Promotions, referred to hereafter as "Boomerang") and given below are intended to describe the procedures and protections against Customer response to any registration and / or purchase of training in Australia. These conditions apply on receipt of a validated registration form.
Definition of our services
Boomerang offers consultancy, guidance and support for all requests for studies, language courses and programs in Australia Working Holiday
- Council and Orientation: analyse customer demand and offer appropriate training as needed, profile and client's budget and offered by our Australian partners
- Accompaniment: coordination and monitoring of the registration process, constitution / folder (s), payment, visa, travel and accommodation in Australia between the client and the Australian partners Boomerang. For more information on our major Australian partners, thank you to consult the list at the following link: http://www.boomerangaustralia.com/fr/nos-partenaires-australie
Boomerang can be worn legally bound last minute changes and major forces caused by our Australian partners or by the Australian Government.
Registration and confirmation
By registering, the customer accepts the general terms of contract Boomerang and its Australian partners.Registration can be sent and confirmed in writing / fax / email (registration form), by telephone / orally or through our website. The conditions vary depending on the selected program:
1) Registration and payment for our Packs Australia
- The rates of our packs are fixed *, the customer, after filling out the online form on this website concerned and accepted the terms and conditions, receives shortly from his advisor Boomerang confirmation that registration has been registered and a bill to be paid in Australian dollars (AUD) on behalf of the head office in Australia. In some urgent cases, customers have the option of paying their pack by Paypal.
- A listing in our Packs can not be processed and finalised without confirming arrival details: flight number, date and local time of arrival in Australia.
- Upon receipt of payment, our advisors in Australia organise bookings and confirmations from our partners
- Once our consultants in Australia have collected all the elements of the package, the customer receives confirmations and vouchers for purchased services (transportation, accommodation, courses and Job Services ... if applicable) and a document Pre-Departure before leaving Australia. * The prices of our packages : these rates are clearly indicated on our website for each pack. If the customer wants to customise his pack, our advisors return a specific estimate that the customer agrees in writing / email by signing the registration form. Then an invoice is sent to the customer with the negotiated amount.
2) Registration and payment of training in Australia
- Having completed and signed direct / forms of / selected Australian partners, the client automatically recognises the terms and conditions for sales to our partners (always indicated on the registration form); The customer may request a translation if necessary.
- For transparency, our advisors will follow the client a confirmation and an invoice issued directly by the selected partner and the customer will pay directly to the account of the Australian partner.
Admission requirements in Australia
All the conditions imposed by the stay in Australia (visa, valid insurance, customs formalities, etc.) are at the customer. Boomerang provides the information given by the embassies and help in the process of obtaining a visa.While taking into account that conditions often vary according to nationality and the customer's country of residence.
If the customer's visa is refused for reasons beyond the control of Boomerang, cancellation terms for the program will apply.
1) Our Packs Australia
A file is considered canceled upon receipt of the notice of cancellation in writing (email, fax, registered mail with return receipt or hand delivered). Cancellation fees are calculated according to the following conditions:
- Cancellation between 32 and 60 days before departure: AU $150;
- Cancellation between 15 and 31 days before departure: 25% of the total cost of the package will be retained;
- Cancellation between 8 and 14 days before departure: 75% of the total cost of the package will be retained;
- Cancellations 0 to 7 days prior to departure: no refund;
- Cancellation from the day of arrival in Australia: no refund;
If the customer has specified an incorrect date of arrival, our hosting partner will charge an extra night that the client will pay directly on arrival.
2) For training in Australia
The cancellation policies are established and enforced by our partners and therefore vary depending on the provider. These are clearly indicated on the registration form and are automatically accepted when signing the registration form.
Each customer has the option to use a refund if circumstances permit. According to the provision used (packs or Training), the customer must make a written request for reimbursement, together with any justification directly from his advisor Boomerang for any training paid directly to the Partner, we will follow. The refund process may take up to a month to ensure the customer receives the amount in his account upon receipt of the claim.Additional fee, deducted or not the reimbursable amount will be needed for any refund in a bank account outside Australia. Generally, no refund is possible once the customer has begun his training or has consummated his pack.
All claims must be addressed by writing to our Australian partner and copy Boomerang before the end of the training or experience. If the process has no effect, the customer can contact his advisor Boomerang for any support. Boomerang and its Australian partners may cancel a training program or at the last moment. In this case the customer can either make a refund request (being aware that financial compensation can be applied for services partially provided) or request a transfer to a program or similar training.
Price changes
Boomerang and its partners reserve the right to change prices in case of unpredictable changes, such as monetary fluctuations, an increase in transport costs, the introduction or increase of State taxes. All bills already issued by Boomerang will be honored. However Boomerang does not vouch for all invoices issued by Australian partners.
Health Insurance
A Health Insurance - Travel - cancellation fee can be purchased in all our tours with our partner Direct Chapka. Each contract is specific to a particular program (in general studies, Linguistic holidays, Working Holiday, Au Pair ...) and the client can register online. By opting for one of the insurance provided by our partner Chapka Direct, the customer automatically accepts their insurance conditions and guarantees clearly shown on their site.
The courses are not held on holidays and missed hours are not reimbursed by our Australian partners.
Promotional material
Boomerang reserves the right to maintain and / or used for promotional images and photographs taken before, during and after the stay of its clients with their agreement. Boomerang is committed to confidentiality and discretion, in order to preserve the rights and goods of its clients.
Legal Contact
Arnaud International Consulting Pty Ltd
T / S Boomerang Australia Studies and Tour Promotions
Level, Suite 2, 13-15 Wentworth Avenue
Sydney NSW 2000
Australia Tel: (612) 9264 9633 sydney@boomerangaustralia.com